Norge mot småbøndene

Written by Mikael Bergius, PhD Fellow, Noragric. «Sult er et av verdens største løsbare problemer» skrev utenriksminister Børge Brende i fjor sommer. Det er helt riktig. Men det er lite […]

The ‘Big Man’ Syndrome in Africa

Written by Sean Jacobs (New School, New York) and Camilla Houeland (PhD Fellow, Noragric) Why do so many African leaders overstay their welcome or break electoral rules? In the recent elections in Uganda, […]

Gender Based Violence and Justice in Liberia

Written by Shai A. Divon, Postdoctoral Researcher, Noragric and Morten Bøås, Research Professor, NUPI. In Western political thought, the statutory legal system is often seen as the only institution with […]

The best year ever?

Written by Morten Jerven, Associate Professor, Noragric When I’m in the same room as Bill Gates, the average wealth is very high – but that doesn’t help me. The year […]

Mat er ut

Norge har ikke lenger en strategi for matsikkerhet i utviklingspolitikken. Written by Ola Tveitereid Westengen, Associate Professor, Noragric Regjeringen har valgt noen hjertesaker som de ønsker Norge skal fokusere på […]

Brazil: an Emerging Southern Drone Actor

Written by Eric Cezne, Noragric Master Student (International Relations). This blog post uses the case of Brazil to reflect on how actors in the Global South now engage with drone […]

Myter om reindrift

Written by: Tor A. Benjaminsen, professor Noragric, NMBU Inger Marie Gaup Eira, førsteamanuensis Samisk høgskole Erik Reinert, professor Tallinn University of Technology Hugo Reinert, seniorforsker Tallinn University Mikkel Nils Sara, […]

Uncertainty and Climate Change in India

Written by Hans Nicolai Adam, Postdoctoral Researcher, Noragric Harbouring one of the largest mangrove forest tracks in the world, the Sunderbans cover a sizeable area in southern Bangladesh and east India. Formed by […]