Noragric is the Department of International Environment and Development Studies at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
With its many partners in Africa, Asia and South East Europe, Noragric analyses and tackles diverse, critical issues of global concern. Some examples:
- Global Food Security, including resilience, sovereignty, food waste
- International Relations, including international security, EU politics & security, political Islam
- Climate Change, including adaptation, loss of water availability, loss of biodiversity
- Environmental Politics, including natural resource governance (genetic/coastal/aquatic, etc.), political economy, political ecology
- Poverty, including social conflict, human rights, gender issues
- Development theory, policy and practice, including gender issues
This blog is a channel for Noragric’s staff and students to initiate debate and discussion within current and diverse themes addressed by the department.
Posts may be in English or Norwegian, depending on the theme and majority audience of individual posts.
Got something to say? If you would like to publish in this blog, email